Aboriginal Apprenticeship Board of Ontario (AABO) - North West Link Committee


  • Enhances the relationships between AETS with both unionized and non-unionized apprenticeship Northwestern Ontario Industry Organizations/Employers, as well as up to seven other Indigenous Skills Employment and Training Agreement (ISETA) Holders

  • AETS Co-Chairs North Western Ontario Link Committee meetings with an Industry Co-Chair representing Northwestern Ontario Industry Organizations/Employers, and works with up to seven other following ISETA Holders to form a sustainable AABO – Northwestern Ontario LINK working committee to increase Indigenous recruitment, training, employment and apprenticeship in the skilled trades:

  • Explore joint initiatives to assist with Indigenous recruitment, training, employment and apprenticeship in the skilled trades.

 See Aboriginal Apprenticeship Board of Ontario (AABO) Website Link:  www.aabo.ca

See Northwestern Ontario ISETA Holders Map Link:  https://www.aets.org/nw-ontario-aseta-holders

See linked draft AABO Terms of Reference below: 



Minutes-May 2016
